Nereus fellow Robert Blasiak (Stockholm Resilience Center) and Director (Science) William Cheung (UBC) will be attending the PICES-2018 Annual Meeting in Yokohama, Japan. Robert will be presenting, and William is an invited speaker who will be participating in a workshop on ‘Synthesizing projected climate change impacts in the North Pacific’. A link for the conference can be found here


The scope of the conference will cover the variability of North Pacific marine ecosystems due to natural and anthropogenic factors, and will include measures that may be taken to mitigate the effects of climate change and increase marine resource sustainability. Some of the ecosystem changes that will be focused on are the following: increasing water temperature, upwelling intensity, increased hypoxia, harmful algal blooms (HABs), ocean acidification, extreme weather events, as well as the impacts of pollutants and contaminants, coastal development, and fishing.