Nereus fellow Rachel Seary will be attending the Third International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitat in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on November 12-14th. A link for the registration can be found here.
Description (from the registration link above):
“Decades of research on the function of mangrove as fish habitat have found that there may be differing processes occurring in the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Whether it be driven by differences in tides, evolutionary histories, or differing species compositions, there is an uncertainty about the global role that mangroves play as a critical habitat in the new vs. old worlds. The goal of the Third International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitat is to encourage the exchange of new knowledge, data, and ideas on the “classic” themes revealed by the two previous meeting, with the ultimate goal of “Connecting the Hemispheres”, bringing together the two regions of the world to find where global patterns occur.”