Nereus researcher Gerald Singh will attend the Asia and the Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts to discuss SDG14 and its implementation.
Conference Summary:
Based on our Assessment of capacity development needs of the countries in Asia and the Pacific for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14, the region needs strengthening of technical capacity, coordination, governance, data and statistics, awareness, stakeholder engagement and partnerships.
Vital information to monitor and evaluate progress towards SDG 14 is available, but it is fragmented across scientific domains, policy frameworks and institutions. ESCAP and UN Environment are leading a global effort to develop statistical guidance based on the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). The Ocean Accounts Platform will provide guidance on electing, prioritizing and standardizing data of national, regional and global importance, so that it can be integrated and thereby provide a comprehensive view. This requires a conversation among scientists, policy makers and statisticians.
To facilitate this conversation, ESCAP is inviting national and international experts for the first Asia and the Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Ocean Accounts in Bangkok on 1-3 August 2018.
The workshop will provide guidance for testing in national pilot studies, including reviews of governance gaps and good practices.