
Colleen Petrik

Ph.D., Biological Oceanography

2015-2017 Research Fellow (Princeton University)

Assistant Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (University of California San Diego)

Colleen Petrik’s background is in biological oceanography and ecology, quantitatively rooted in mathematics and physics. Petrik’s research focuses on understanding how the physical environment mediates the ecology of zooplankton and commercially harvested fish and invertebrate species and the implications of climate variability and climate change on these relationships. With the Nereus Project, Petrik studied the effects of behavior and composition of crustacean zooplankton, the addition of fish early life stages, and dynamic coupling between zooplankton and fishes on the future state of global fisheries. She is now an assistant professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.


Petrik, C. M., Duffy-Anderson, J. T., Mueter, F., Hedstrom, K., Curchister, E. N., 2015, Biophysical transport model suggests climate variability determines distribution of Walleye Pollock early life stages in the eastern Bering Sea through effects on spawning, Oceanography, Fisheries, Marine Habitat, Progress in Oceanography, 138, 459-474, link

Petrik, C. M., Duffy-Anderson, J. T., Castruccio, F., Curchitser, E. N., Danielson, S. L., Hedstrom, K., Mueter, F., 2016, Modelled connectivity between Walleye Pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) spawning and age-0 nursery areas in warm and cold years with implications for juvenile survival, Fisheries, Marine Habitat, ICES Journal for Marine Sciences, 73(7), 1890-1900, link

Petrik, C.M., Stock, C.A., Andersen, K.H., Van Denderen, P.D. & Watson, J.R. (2019). Bottom-up drivers of global patterns of demersal, forage, and pelagic fishes. Progress in Oceanography, 176, 102124. link

Nereus Fellow at Princeton University Colleen Petrik won the Science Board Best Presentation Award at the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) annual meeting, held in San Diego, from November 2 to 11.

November 25, 2016 | Climate ChangeFisheries

Colleen Petrik, Senior Nereus Fellow at Princeton, visited the Stockholm Resilience Centre at the University of Stockholm from October 26 to 30 to collaborate with former Nereus Fellow James Watson.

November 25, 2015 | Climate ChangeEcology

Past Event

20 May 2017 - 25 May 2017

Nereus Program Alumnus Rebecca Asch (Princeton University/East Carolina University), Fellow Colleen Petrik (Princeton University), Fellow Gabriel Reygondeau (University of British Columbia), and Fellow Maria de Oca (Duke University) will be convening the session "Beyond physics-to-fish: Integrative impacts of climate change on living marine resources" at the JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting Session

Nereus alumnus Colleen Petrik (Texas A&M University) and Charles Stock (NOAA) are co-authors on a new paper in the journal Progress in Oceanography. They investigate how dominant factors influence the global distribution and functionality of certain commercially important fishes.

May 20, 2017 | EcologyOceanography