Daniel Dunn
Ph.D., Marine Science & Conservation
University of Queensland
2011-2014 Junior Research Fellow (Duke University)
2014-2017 Senior Research Fellow (Duke University)
Senior Lecturer, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (University of Queensland)
Research Scientist, Director CBCS
Daniel Dunn is a research scientist with the Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab at Duke University where he focuses on the conservation of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, and dynamic management of marine resources. This work is driven by an interest in conservation biology grounded in pelagic ecology, biogeography and macroecology. To more directly address these issues at appropriate scales and over their full extent, Dunn works to bring science to bear on marine policy in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Sutton, T. T., Clark, M. R., Dunn, D. C., Halpin, P. N., Rogers, A. D., Guinotte, J., Bograd, S. J., Angel, M. V., Perez, J. A. A., Wishner, K., Haedrich, R. L., Lindsay, D. J., Drazen, J. C., Vereshchaka, A., Piatkowski, U., Morato, T., Blachowiak-Samolyk, K., Robison, B. H., Gjerde, K. M., Pierrot-Bults, A., Bernal, P., Reygondeau, G., Heino, M., 2017, A global biogeographic classification of the mesopelagic zone2, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2017.05.006, link
Morato T., Miller P., Dunn D., Nicol S., Bowcott J., Halpin P., 2015, A perspective on the importance of oceanic fronts in promoting aggregation of visitors to seamounts, Marine Ecosystem, Oceanography, Biodiversity, Marine Habitat, Fish and Fisheries, link
Tittensor, D.P., Eddy, T.D., Lotze, H.K., Galbraith, E.D., Cheung, W.W.L., Barange, M., Blanchard, J., Bopp, L., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Büchner, M., Bulman, C., Carozza, D.A., Christensen, V., Coll, M., Dunne, J.P, Fernandes, J.A., Fulton, E.A., Hobday, A., Huber, V., Jennings, S., Jones, M., Lehodey, P., Link, J.S., Mackinson, S., Maury, O., Niiranen, S., Oliveros-Ramos, R., Roy, T., Schewe, J., Shin, Y.J., Silva, T., Stock, C.A., Steenbeek, J., Underwood, P.J., Volkholz, J., Watson, J., Walker, N. 2018. A protocol for the intercomparison of marine fishery and ecosystem models: Fish-MIP v1.0. Geoscientific Model Development 11: 1421-1442 link
Crespo, G.O., Dunn, D.C., 2017, A review of the impacts of fisheries on open-ocean ecosystems, ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsx084, doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsx084, link
Merrie A., Dunn D.C., Metian M., Boustany A.M., Takei Y., Elferink A.O., Ota Y., Christensen V., Halpin P.N., Österblom H., 2014, An ocean of surprises – Trends in human use, unexpected dynamics and governance challenges in areas beyond national jurisdiction., Governance, Transboundary Resources, Global Environmental Change, 27, 19-31, DOI 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.04.012, link
Ban N.C., S.M., Maxwell D.C., Dunn N.J., Bax K.M., Gjerde R., Devillers P.K., Dunstan A.J., Hobday D., Kaplan R.L., Pressey J.A., Ardron E.T., Game P.N., Halpin, 2014, Better integration of sectoral planning and management approaches for the interlinked ecology of the open oceans, Governance, Transboundary Resources, Marine Policy, 49, 127-136
Hobday, A. J., Maxwell, S. M., Forgie, J., McDonald, J., Darby, M., Seto, K., Bailey, H., Bograd, S. J., Briscoe, D. K., Costa, D. P., Crowder, L. B., Dunn, D. C., Fossette, S., Halpin, P. N., Hartog, J. R., Hazen, E. L., Lascelles, B. G., Lewison, R. L., Poulous, G., Powers, A., 2014, Dynamic Ocean Management: Integrating Scientific and Technological Capacity with Law, Policy and Management, Fisheries Management, Marine Management, Stanford Environmental Law Journal, 33(2), 125-165, link
Dunn D., Maxwell S., Boustany A., Halpin P., 2016, Dynamic ocean management increases the efficiency and efficacy of fisheries management, Fisheries Management, Marine Management, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Volume 113, Page 668-673, link
Maxwell S. M., Hazen E. L., Lewison R. L., Dunn D. C., Bailey H., Bograd S. J., Briscoe D. K., Fossette S., Hobday A. J., Bennett M., Benson S., Caldwell M. R., Costa D. P., Dewar H., Eguchi T., Hazen L., Kohin S., Sippel T., Crowder L. B., 2015, Dynamic ocean management: Defining and conceptualizing real-time management of the ocean, Fisheries Management, Marine Management, Marine Policy, Volume 58, 42–50, link
Lewison R., Hobday A. J., Maxwell S., Hazen E., Hartog J. R., Dunn D. C., Briscoe D., Fossette S., O’Keefe C. E., Barnes M., Abecassis M., Bograd S., Bethoney N. D., Bailey H., Wiley D., Andrews S., Hazen L., Crowder L. B., 2015, Dynamic ocean management: Identifying the critical ingredients of dynamic approaches to ocean resource management, Fisheries Management, Marine Management, BioScience, 65 (5), 486-498, link
Dunn D.C., Boustany A.M., Roberts J.J., Brazer E., Sanderson M., Gardner B., Halpin P.N., 2014, Empirical move-on rules to inform fishing strategies: a New England case study, Fisheries Management, Fish and Fisheries, 15, 359-375, DOI 10.1111/faf.12019, link
Beaulieu C., Henson S.A., Sarmiento J.L., Dunne J.P., Doney S.C., Rykaczewski R.R., Bopp L., 2013, Factors challenging our ability to detect long-term trends in ocean chlorophyll., Oceanography, Biogeosciences, 10, 2711-2724, DOI 10.5194/bg-10-2711-2013, link
Wedding, L. M., Maxwell, S. M., Hyrenbach, D., Dunn, D. C., Roberts, J. J., Briscoe, D., Hines, E., Halpin, P. N., 2016, Geospatial approaches to support pelagic conservation planning and adaptive management, Transboundary Resources, Marine Management, Endangered Species Research, 30, 1-9, link
Lewison, R. L., Crowder, L. B., Wallace, B. P., Moore, J. E., Cox, T., Zydelis, R., McDonald, S., DiMatteo, A., Dunn, D. C., Kot, C. Y., Bjorkland, R., Kelez, S., Soykan, C., Stewart, K. R., Sims, M., Boustany, A., Read, A. J., Halpin, P., Nichols, W. J., Safina, C., 2014, Global patterns of marine mammal, seabird, and sea turtle bycatch reveal taxa-specific and cumulative megafauna hotspots, Fisheries, Bycatch, PNAS, 111(14), 5271-5276, link
Blanchard, J., Watson, R. A., Fulton, E. A., Cottrell, R. S., Nash, K. L., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Büchner, M., Carozza, D. A., Cheung, W. W. L., Elliott, J., Davidson, L. N. K., Dulvy, N. K., Dunne, J. P., Eddy, T. D., Galbraith, E., Lotze, H. K., Maury, O., Müller, C., Tittensor, D. P., Jennings, S., 2017, Linked sustainability challenges and trade-offs among fisheries, aquaculture and agriculture, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1, 1240-1249, link
Dunn D.C., 2014, On the dynamic management of marine resources, Fisheries Management, PhD Thesis, Duke University
Cocco V., Joos D., Steinacher M., Frölicher T.L., Bopp L., Dunne J., Gehlen M., Heinze C., Orr J., Oschlies A., Schneider B., Segschneider J., Tjiputra J., 2013, Oxygen and indicators of stress for marine life in multi-model global warming projections., Marine Ecosystem, Oceanography, Climate Change, Biogeosciences, 10, 1849-1868, DOI 10.5194/bg-10-1849-2013, link
Hazen E.L., Jorgensen E., Rykaczewski R.R., Bograd S.J., Foley D.G., Jonsen I.D., Shaffer S.A., Dunne J.P., Costa D.P., Crowder L.B., Block B.A., 2013, Predicted habitat shifts of Pacific top predators in a changing climate., Marine Ecosystem, Oceanography, Climate Change, Nature Climate Change, 3, 234-238, DOI 10.1038/nclimate1686, link
Stock, C. A., John, J. G., Rykaczewski, R. R., Asch, R. G., Cheung, W. W. L., Dunne, J. P., Friedland, K. D., Lam, V. W. Y., Sarmiento, J. L., Watson, R. A. , 2017, Reconciling fisheries catch and ocean productivity, Fisheries Management, Biodiversity, Policy, PNAS, doi:10.1073, link
Bax., N. J., Cleary, J., Donnelly, B., Dunn, D. C., Dunstan, P. K., Fuller, M., Halpin, P. N., 2016, Results of efforts by the Convention on Biological Diversity to describe ecologically or biologically significant marine areas, Conservation Biology, 30, 571-581, link
Cheung W.W.L., Sarmiento J.L., Dunne J., Frölicher T.L., Lam V., Palomares D.M.L., Watson R., Pauly D., 2013, Shrinking of fishes exacerbates impacts of global ocean changes on marine ecosystems., Marine Ecosystem, Fisheries, Climate Change, Nature Climate Change, 3, 254-258, DOI 10.1038/nclimate1691, link
Bjorkland R., Dunn D. C., McClure M. M., Jannot J. J., Bellman M. A., Gleason M., Schiffers K., 2015, Spatiotemporal patterns of rockfish bycatch in US west coast groundfish fisheries: Opportunities for reducing incidental catch of depleted species, Marine Ecosystem, Fisheries Management, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Just-IN, link
Ban N.C., Bax N.J., Gjerde K.M., Devillers R., Dunn D.C., Dunstan P.K., Hobday A.J., Maxwell S.M., Kaplan D.M., Pressey R.L., Ardron J.A., Game E.T., Halpin P.N., 2013, Systematic conservation planning: a better recipe for managing the high seas for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use., Fisheries Management, Biodiversity, Transboundary Resources, Conservation Letters, 7, 31-54, DOI 10.1111/conl.12010, link
Dunn D., Moxley J., Halpin P., 2016, Temperature-based targeting in a multispecies fishery under climate change, Fisheries Management, Climate Change, Fisheries Oceanography, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 105–118, link
Dunn D.C., J., Ardron N., Bax P., Bernal J., Cleary I., Cresswell B., Donnelly P., Dunstan K.M., Gjerde D., Johnson K., Kaschner B., Lascelles J., Rice H., von Nordheim L., Wood P.N., Halpin, 2014, The Convention on Biological Diversity’s Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas: origins, development, and current status, Fisheries Management, Biodiversity, Marine Policy, 49, 137-145
Carter B., Frölicher T.,Dunne J., Rodgers K., Slater R., Sarmiento J., 2016, When can ocean acidification impacts be detected from decadal alkalinity measurements?, Oceanography, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Volume 4, Pages 595-612, link
Crespo, G.O., Dunn, D.C., Reygondeau, G., Boerder, K., Worm, B., Cheung, W., Tittensor, D.P., and Halpin, P.N. (2018). The environmental niche of the global high seas pelagic longline fleet. Science Advances, 4(8), Eaat3681. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aat3681 link
Wright, G., Cremers, K., Rochette, J., Clark, N., Dunn, D., Gjerde, K.M., Harden-Davies, H., Mohammed, E., Ortuño Crespo, G. (2019). High Hopes for the High Seas: beyond the package deal towards an ambitious treaty IDDRI, Issue Brief, N°01/19. link
Crespo, G.O., Dunn, D., Gianni, M., Gjerde, K., Wright, G. & Halpin, P.N. (2019). High-seas fish biodiversity is slipping through the governance net. Nat. Ecol. Evol. link
Tittensor, D. P., Beger, M., Boerder, K., Boyce, D. G., Cavanagh, R. D., Cosandey-Godin, A., Crespo, G.O, Dunn, D.C., Ghiffary, W., Grant, S.M., Hannah, L., Halpin, P.N., Harfoot, M, Heaslip, S.G., Jeffery, N.W., Kingston, N., Lotze, H.K., McGowan, J., McLeod, E., McOwen, C.J., O’Leary, B.C., Schiller, L., Stanley, R.R.E., Westhead, M., Wilson, K.L., & Worm, B. (2019). Integrating climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation in the global ocean. Science Advances, 5(11), eaay9969. link.
Vierros, M.K, Harrison, A.L., Sloat, M.R., Ortuño Crespo, G., Moore, J.W., Dunn, D.C., Ota, Y., Cisneros-Montemayor, A., Shillinger, G.L., Watson, T.K., & Govan, H. (2020). Considering Indigenous Peoples and local communities in governance of the global ocean commons. Marine Policy, 119: 104039. link.
Nereus Senior Research Fellow Daniel Dunn (Duke University) attended the workshop “A Conservation Agenda for Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction” hosted by the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resource Governance at the University of Cambridge from May 10 to 11.
Senior Nereus Fellow at Duke University, Daniel Dunn, acted as a panelist at a COMPASS Capitol Hill briefingon ocean change and implications for fisheries and fishing communities.
Nereus Fellow Daniel Dunn (Duke) attended the Convention on Biological Diversity’s twentieth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice on April 30th in Montreal.
Senior Nereus Fellow at Duke University, Daniel Dunn, co-organized a workshop from July 12th to 15th on the development of a strategic environmental management plan for deep sea mining on the Mid-Range Atlantic Ridge. The workshop, held in Lisbon, Portugal, was carried under the International Seabed Authority.
Nereus Fellow at Duke University Daniel Dunn attended the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Dialogue with Regional Seas Organizations and Regional Fisheries Bodies on Accelerating Progress Towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, which took place September 26-29th, 2016 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
The paper “Temperature-based targeting in a multispecies fishery under climate change” was recently published in Fisheries Oceanography by Nereus Program Fellow Daniel Dunn (Duke University) and Principal Investigator Patrick Halpin (Duke University). The study looked at whether the bottom temperature of the water, in spring and fall, affected the distribution of Atlantic cod in the USA Northeast compared to other species of fish.
4 May 2017 - 6 May 2017
23 October 2017 - 28 October 2017
9 August 2017 - 11 August 2017
10 July 2017 - 21 July 2017
15 February 2017 - 17 February 2017
4 September 2018 - 4 September 2018
4 September 2017 - 8 September 2017
3 April 2017 - 7 April 2017
7 February 2017 - 8 February 2017
7 May 2017 - 8 May 2017
Research fellows Harriet Harden-Davies (University of Wollongong/ANCORS) and Guillermo Ortuño Crespo (Duke University) with Daniel Dunn (Duke University) are co-authors on a policy brief published by IDDRI that aims to strengthen the current high seas management and governance framework to improve marine conservation and sustainability.
Nereus members Guillermo Ortuño Crespo, Daniel Dunn, and Patrick Halpin are co-authors on a new paper published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, ‘High-seas fish biodiversity is slipping through the governance net’. They stress the need to include fish biodiversity in negotiations for the new BBNJ treaty at the United Nations General Assembly and close current legal gaps in existing ocean governance frameworks.
A recent study performed by Nereus researchers showing governance gaps concerning marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) is featured in Science Daily.
Congratulations to Daniel Dunn and The Migratory Connectivity in the Ocean System (MiCO) for recently winning the Ocean Awards 2020 Innovation Award from Blue Marine Foundation for their work on migratory marine species, making it easier to work with data.
Research Associate Marjo Vierros is lead author with a research team that includes Guillermo Ortuño Crespo, Daniel Dunn, Director Yoshi Ota, and Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor on a new study published in Marine Policy, “Considering Indigenous Peoples and local communities in governance of the global ocean commons.”