Jack Kittinger
Ph.D., Geography
Center for Oceans, Conservation International
Professor of Practice, Arizona State University
Nexus Program Research Chair
Bennett, N. J., Teh, L., Ota, Y., Christie, P., Ayers, A., Day, J.C., Franks, P., Gill, D., Gruby, R. L., Kittinger, J. N., 2017, An appeal for a code of conduct for marine conservation, Governance, Marine Management, Marine Policy, 81, 411-418, link
Kittinger, J. N., Teh, L. C. L., Allison, E. H., Bennett, N. J., Crowder, L. B., Finkbeiner, E. M., Hicks. C., Scarton, C. G., Nakamura, K., Ota, Y., Young, J., Alifano, A., Apel, A., Arbib, A. Bishop, L., Boyle, M., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Hunter, P., Le Cornu, E., Levine, M., Jones, R. S., Koehn, Z., Marschke, M., Mason, J. G., Micheli, F., McClenachan, L., Opal, C., Peacey, J., Peckham, S. H., Schemmel, E., Solis-Rivera, V., Swartz, W., Wilhelm, T. A., 2017, Committing to socially responsible seafood, Science, 356(6341), 912-913, link
Teh, L.C.L., Caddell, R., Allison, E.H., Finkbeiner, E.M., Kittinger, J.N., Nakamura, K., et al. (2019). The role of human rights in implementing socially responsible seafood. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210241 link
Nathan J. Bennett, Elena M. Finkbeiner, Natalie C. Ban, Dyhia Belhabib, Stacy
D. Jupiter, John N. Kittinger, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Joeri Scholtens, David Gill & Patrick Christie (2020): The COVID-19 Pandemic, Small-Scale Fisheries and Coastal Fishing Communities. Coastal Management, DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2020.1766937. link.
Nereus colleague Jack Kittinger (Arizona State University), with Transform Aqorau and Johann Bell, respond in Science’s Policy Forum to a recent article co-authored by Nereus PI Malin Pinsky (Rutgers University). Pinksy et al. discuss how geographic shifts of migratory species due to climate change may potentially lead to conflicts over resources, while Aqorau et al. discuss examples of how good governance is working for migratory species.
Nereus Program Research Associate Lydia Teh (UBC), Principal Investigator Jack Kittinger (Arizona State University), and Yoshi Ota (University of Washington) joined a webinar organized by EBMTools to discuss “Socially Responsible Seafood.”
Nereus Principal Investigator Jack Kittinger (Conservation International, Arizona State University) is interviewed by Conservation International for their Human Nature Blog. You can read about his upbringing and inspiration to focus on sustainability and socially responsible seafood.
Several Nereus Program participants are co-authors on a new paper just published in Nature Sustainability – “Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economy”. The authors recommend five priority areas to address to ensure a safe and just future global ocean economy.
Principal Investigator Jack Kittinger and alumnus Elena Finkbeiner are co-authors on a new publication in Coastal Management that investigates how the current COVID-19 pandemic is impacting small-scale and coastal fishing. They call on governments, development organizations, NGOS, researchers, donors and the private sector to rapidly mobilize to help these vulnerable communities that are being severely impacted right now.