
Kelly Kearney

Ph.D., Geosciences

2011-2014 Junior Research Fellow (Princeton University)

Research Scientist, University of Washington-Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO)/ NOAA NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center

Kelly Kearney is a marine scientist whose research focuses on marine (and occasionally coastal) ecosystem dynamics. Specifically, Kearney’s research is focused on developing modeling techniques that bridge the gap between traditional lower trophic level biogeochemical models and upper trophic level fisheries and ecosystem models.


Kearney K, Stock C., Sarmiento J., 2013, Amplification and attenuation of increased primary production in a marine food web., Marine Ecosystem, Oceanography, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 491, 1 – 14, DOI 10.3354/meps10484, link

Kearney K.A., 2012, An analysis of marine ecosystem dynamics through development of a coupled physical-biogeochemical-fisheries food web model, Marine Ecosystem, PhD Thesis, Princeton University

Kearney K.A., Stock C., Aydin K., Sarmiento J.L., 2012, “Coupling Planktonic Ecosystem and Fisheries Food Web Models for a Pelagic Ecosystem: Description and Validation for the Subarctic Pacific”., Marine Ecosytem, Ecological Modelling, 237-238, 43-62, DOI 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.04.006, link