Louisa Wood
Ph.D., Geography
Louisa Wood is a Head of Development at the UNEP-WCMC. Wood has a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of British Columbia and 9 years of experience working on a variety of marine conservation, fisheries, and marine protected area (MPA) projects, spanning a range of issues including: marine ecology; illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fisheries; capacity building; MPA monitoring, planning, and compliance; and spatial decision support.
McOwen C.J., Cheung W.W.L., Rykaczewski R.R., Watson R.A., Wood J.L., 2014, Is fisheries production within Large Marine Ecosystems determined by bottom-up or top-down forcing?, Marine Ecosystem, Fisheries, Fish and Fisheries, DOI 10.1111/faf.12082
Dunn D.C., J., Ardron N., Bax P., Bernal J., Cleary I., Cresswell B., Donnelly P., Dunstan K.M., Gjerde D., Johnson K., Kaschner B., Lascelles J., Rice H., von Nordheim L., Wood P.N., Halpin, 2014, The Convention on Biological Diversity’s Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas: origins, development, and current status, Fisheries Management, Biodiversity, Marine Policy, 49, 137-145