
Marc Metian

Ph.D., Oceanography & Marine Environment

2011-2013 Senior Research Fellow (Stockholm University)

Research Scientist, International Atomic Energy Agency

Marc Metian has a keen interest in aquaculture globally and future challenges associated with its development, particularly the debate about “competition between feed and food resources”. More specifically, he is looking at links between sustainable use of resources, food security and governance, particularly in light of projected substantial increased demand for seafood due to both population growth and per capita consumption.


Merrie A., Dunn D.C., Metian M., Boustany A.M., Takei Y., Elferink A.O., Ota Y., Christensen V., Halpin P.N., Österblom H., 2014, An ocean of surprises – Trends in human use, unexpected dynamics and governance challenges in areas beyond national jurisdiction., Governance, Transboundary Resources, Global Environmental Change, 27, 19-31, DOI 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.04.012, link

Lam, V.W., Chavanich, S., Djoundourian, S., Dupont, S., Gaill, F., Holzer, G., Isensee, K., Katua, S., Mars, F., Metian, M. and Hall-Spencer, J.M., (2019). Dealing with the effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs in the Indian Ocean and AsiaRegional Studies in Marine Science, p.100560. link

Troell M., Naylor R.L., Metian M., Beveridge M., Tyedmers P.H., Folke C., Arrow K.J., Barrett S., Crépin A.S., Ehrlich P.R., Gren A., Kautsky N., Levin S.A., Nyborg K., Österblom H., Polasky S., Scheffer M., Walker B.H., Xepapadeas T., Zeeuw A.D., 2014, Does aquaculture add resilience to the global food system?, Aquaculture, Food Security, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, 13257-13263., DOI 10.1073/pnas.1404067111, link

Beveridge M.C.M., Thilsted S.H., Phillips M.J., Metian M., Troell M., Hall S.J., 2013, Meeting the food and nutrition needs of the poor: the role of fish and the opportunities and challenges emerging from the rise of aquaculture., Aquaculture, Food Security, Journal of Fish Biology, 83, 1067-1084, DOI 10.1111/jfb.12187, link

Österblom H., Merrie A., Metian M., Boonstra W.J., Blenckner R., Watson J.R., Rykaczewski R.R., Ota Y., Sarmiento J.L., Christensen V., Schlüter M., Birnbaum S., Gustavsson B.G., Humborg C., Mörth C-M., Müeller-Karulis B., Tomczak M.T., Troell M., Folke C., 2013, Modeling social-ecological scenarios in marine systems., Marine Ecosystem, Fisheries Management, Governance, BioScience, 63, 735-744, DOI 10.1093/bioscience/63.9.735, link

Merrie, A., Metian, M., Österblom, H. 2017, Radical ocean futures-scenario development using science fiction prototyping, Climate Change, Future,, link

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) ‘Final Research Coordination Meeting on Ocean Acidification and the Economic Impact on Fisheries and Coastal Society’ took place from July 18 to 22 in Monaco. The meeting, organized by Nereus Alumni Marc Metian, included Nereus Director of Science William Cheung as an invited expert.

August 6, 2016 | Acidification