Nereus Program director of science William Cheung (UBC) was recently announced as a recipient of the prestigious UBC Killam Research Fellowship for outstanding faculty research.
Nereus director (science) William Cheung (UBC) and Thomas Frölicher (University of Bern) are co-authors on the newly released Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) Summary for Policymakers (SPM). It was approved and presented at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on September 25, 2019.
Nereus Director of Science William Cheung has won the Prix d’Excellence Award by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). The ??????????Prix d’Excellence is awarded every three years for a high level of achievement in marine sciences work through research, scientific leadership and scientific policy leadership.
“Boom or Bust: The Future of Fish in the South China Sea” has been published by William Cheung, Director of the Nereus Program (Science), and Rashid Sumaila, Research Director of the OceanCanada Partnership (UBC), for the OceanAsia project.
William Cheung, Director of the Nereus Program (Science), and Gabriel Reygondeau, Nereus Fellow (UBC), are co-authors of a chapter on The Southern Ocean, published in the Ocean and Climate Platform’s Scientific Notes.
Director (science) William Cheung is a co-author on a new publication in ICES Journal of Marine Science, “Bioenergetic influence on the historical development and decline of industrial fisheries.”
Director William Cheung and Principal Investigator Charles Stock are part of a team of authors that recently published a comment in Nature Climate Change, “Evolution of the Galapagos in the Anthropocene”.
William Cheung and Thomas Frölicher recently published a study in Nature Scientific Reports showing the impact marine heatwaves have on fish stock biogeography and biomass in the northeastern Pacific Ocean.
Muhammed Oyinlola is lead author with Gabriel Reygondeau, Colette Wabnitz, and William Cheung as co-authors on a new study in Global Change Biology, “Projecting global mariculture diversity under climate change.” In their study, they look at how climate change will affect 85 of the most commonly farmed fish and invertebrates in coastal and open ocean areas.
Director (science) William Cheung is a co-author with others on a new study published in PLoS ONE, “Potential socioeconomic impacts from ocean acidification and climate change effects on Atlantic Canadian Fisheries.”
Director (science) William Cheung and Rashid Sumaila are co-authors on a recent study published in Science Advances, “Escaping the perfect storm of simultaneous climate change impacts on agriculture and marine fisheries.”
Nereus Program director (science) Willam Cheung and research fellow Muhammed Oyinlola are co-authors on a new Institute for the Ocean and Fisheries (UBC) report – “Dynamic Integrated Marine Climate, Biodiversity, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Market Model (DIVERSE)”. You can read a brief summary and access it here.
Lead author Hubert du Pontavice and co-authors Didier Gascuel, Gabriel Reygondeau, Aurore Maureaud, and William Cheung recently published an article in Global Change Biology – “Climate change undermines the global functioning of marine food webs”.
Today, the landmark “Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate” (SROCC) is being presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at COP25. Nereus Program director (science) William Cheung and principal investigator Thomas Froelicher are authors on the SROCC report.
Nereus director (science) William Cheung (UBC) is a co-author on a new paper published in One Earth – “A Roadmap for Using the UN Decade of Ocean Science fr Sustainable Development in Support of Science, Policy, and Action”.
Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor is lead author with co-authors William Cheung, Muhammed Oyinlola, Gerald Singh, Wilf Swartz and Yoshitaka Ota on a new paper in Marine Policy – “Social equity and benefits as the nexus of a transformative Blue Economy: A sectoral review of implications”.
23 October 2019 - 25 October 2019
Nereus Program director (science) William Cheung and Rashid Sumaila are co-authors on a new paper published in Marine Policy – ‘Evaluating present and future potential of arctic fisheries in Canada’.
7 October 2019 - 7 October 2019
22 August 2019 - 22 August 2019
Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor (UBC) and director (science) William Cheung (UBC) are co-authors on a recent publication that models how changing environmental conditions and climate may influence future Pacific sardine distribution in Northwest Mexico, and what it may mean for marine ecosystems and regional fishers.
Nereus’s Tyler Eddy, William Cheung, Miranda Jones, Derek Tittensor, and Charles Stock are co-authors on a recent article that projects a 5% decline, on average, in global marine biomass for every 1 degree (C) of warming. They did this by combining several different types of models, rather than using a single-model approach.
Nereus director (science) William Cheung (UBC) and research associate Rashid Sumaila (UBC) are co-authors on an article recently published in the journal Marine Policy – ‘Climate change impact on Canada’s Pacific marine ecosystem: The current state of knowledge’. They conducted a literature review to investigate currently known and projected impacts of climate change on Canada’s Pacific marine ecosystem.
Nereus research associate Andrés M. Cisneros-Montemayor (UBC) and director (science) William Cheung (UBC) are co-authors on a recent paper published in the open access journal PLoS ONE that uses metadata to evaluate the current state of knowledge of the ocean, using Mexico as a case study.
Nereus Program Director (Science) William Cheung (University of British Columbia – UBC) and Research Associates Vicky Lam (UBC) and Colette Wabnitz (UBC) recently published the working paper ‘Future scenarios and projections for fisheries on the high seas under a changing climate’. You can read the abstract and access it here.
Vatosoa Rakotondrazafy receives the prestigious 2019 Whitley Award from The Whitley Fund for Nature (WFN) for her work with traditional small-scale fishing communities throughout Madagascar. Vatosoa previously worked with Nereus Program co-directors Yoshitaka Ota (policy) and William Cheung (science), and program manager/research associate Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor as a Nippon Foundation DOALOS fellow at University of British Columbia in 2015.
Nereus’s Vicky Lam, William Cheung, Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor and Oai Li Chen from University of British Columbia (UBC) are all co-authors on an article with Rashid Sumaila recently published in Science Advances, entitled ‘Benefits of the Paris Agreement to ocean life, economies, and people’. The authors investigated how implementing the Paris Agreement could protect top-revenue generating catch globally, impacting fishers’ revenues, seafood workers’ income and household seafood expenditure.
Press Release: Nereus Program members Rashid Sumaila, Vicky Lam, William Cheung, Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor, Oai Li Chen, and co-authors published a study in Science Advances today, ‘Climate Target Could Net Additional Billions in Fisheries Revenue’. You can read the press release from UBC and access the article here.
25 February 2019 - 26 February 2019
11 March 2019 - 13 March 2019
3 December 2018 - 4 December 2018
25 October 2018 - 4 November 2018
11 November 2017 - 16 November 2017
3 July 2017 - 7 July 2017
15 May 2017 - 19 May 2017
13 March 2017 - 15 March 2017
Fisheries Economics Research Unit (UBC) Research Associate Louise Teh, Nereus Director of Science William Cheung, and OceanCanada Director and Nereus Research Associate (Honourary) Rashid Sumaila recently had a paper (“Scenarios for investigating the future of Canada’s oceans and marine fisheries under environmental and socioeconomic change”) published in Regional Environmental Change…
Spatial differentiation of marine eutrophication damage indicators based on species density” was recently published in Ecological Indicators, co-authored by Nereus Alumnus Miranda Jones (UNEP-WCMC) and Nereus Director of Science William Cheung.
Nereus Director of Science William Cheung gave a keynote entitled “Applying macroecology to project future marine ecosystems under climate change” at the British Ecological Society’s Aquatic Macroecology Meeting in London on September 30, 2016.
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) released their Methodological Assessment of Scenarios & Models of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services, for which Nereus Director of Science William Cheung was a coordinating lead author, as well as a contributing author for Chapter 5.
Nereus Director of Science William Cheung was a plenary speaker at the ‘International Conference on Scenarios and Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Support of Decision-Making.’
Nereus Director of Science William Cheung attended the Scoping Meeting for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways as an invited expert.
The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) ‘Final Research Coordination Meeting on Ocean Acidification and the Economic Impact on Fisheries and Coastal Society’ took place from July 18 to 22 in Monaco. The meeting, organized by Nereus Alumni Marc Metian, included Nereus Director of Science William Cheung as an invited expert.
Nereus Director of Science William Cheung participated in a lecture at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV) in Merida, Mexico, from July 25 to 26.
“Towards an integrated database on Canadian ocean resources: benefits, current states, and research gaps” was recently published in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, authored by Nereus Fellow Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor (UBC), Director of Science William Cheung, and OceanCanada Director Rashid Sumaila (Nereus Honorary Research Associate).
More than 10% of the global population could face nutrition deficiencies in the coming decades due to fish catch declines, says a new Nature commentary published today co-authored by Nereus Director of Science William Cheung.
Nereus Director of Science William-Cheung gave a plenary keynote presentation at the 4th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, held in Hobart, Australia, on Friday, May 6.
Nereus Director (Science) William Cheung was invited as a “resource person” at the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Methodological Assessment of Scenarios and Modelling of Biodiversity and Ecosystem services, in De Bilt, The Netherlands, from January 25 to 27.
Water spills from the edge of a giant, melting iceberg on the cover of the November 2015 issue of Science. The special issue focused on the effects of climate change on our ocean systems, and highlighted research by Dr. William Cheung, an Associate Professor with the Changing Ocean Research Unit at the University of British Columbia, and Director (Science) of the Nereus Program.
William Cheung
Ph.D., Ecology
Program Director (Science)
Professor and Director of the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries (University of British Columbia)