In November 2021, the WTO (World Trade Organization), drafted and agreement on how to tackle harmful fisheries subsidies. However, in order for this agreement’s plans to tackle these issues, it must be realistic and specific.

This impactful critique by Nereus program manager Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor and other collaborators, highlights the areas where the WTO’s draft agreement should be improved.

These areas are “unspecific language on supporting fisher incomes, the uniform handling of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fisheries (IUU), and transparency in distant water fisheries(…)”. The critique further explains how many definitions used in the agreement are outdated and not specific to today’s fisheries issues. It is urged that a more inclusive and formalized plan is drafted to prevent inequitable outcomes to vulnerable fishers, and prevent further delay in reaching a formal plan and agreement.

> Read the full article here

The above summary was adapted from the original article.

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