Written by Nereus Fellow Tyler Eddy,

In November 2019, Nereus Fellow Tyler Eddy will be starting a position as Associate Research Professor at the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research, Marine Institute, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. Tyler will be building a research group investigating the ecology of Newfoundland & Labrador ecosystems, associated fisheries and coastal communities, and how climate change is projected to impact them. His group will use a range of field-based and modelling approaches to understand human and climate impacts at the ecosystem scale. Tyler will maintain his present role as the founding coordinator of regional models for the fisheries and marine ecosystems model intercomparison project (FishMIP) and the co-coordinator of the FishMIP scenarios working group. Tyler will also continue his role as a visiting scientist at the Charles Darwin Foundation, Galápagos and participate in regular expeditions to survey shark and fish populations in the Galápagos Marine Reserve.

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