Written by Nereus Fellow Becca Selden,

Becca Selden is thrilled to be joining the Biology faculty at Wellesley College, a premier liberal arts college in Massachusetts. Wellesley has a strong commitment to undergraduate research, and she hopes to launch the careers of the next generation of women scientists, as her own liberal arts education at Bowdoin College prepared her to do. Her research program will investigate the cumulative impacts of harvest, climate change, and species invasion on marine ecosystems, utilizing the Gulf of Maine as a key local study system. She is excited to continue her collaborative work with members of the Nereus program to examine these phenomena on regional and global scales. She is enthusiastic about making her research relevant to management. As such she will engage with government scientists at NOAA NEFSC and policymakers in the region, not least Julia Mason, a new Knauss fellow in MA Senator Markey’s office.


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