Are There Always Trade-offs Associated With a Species' Ability to Compete for Different Resources?
Daniel Dunn and MiCO Win the Ocean Awards 2020 Innovation Award
New High Level Panel Blue Paper on Critical Habitats and Biodiversity
Incorporating Climate Change Into Marine Spatial Planning to Help Ensure Ocean Sustainability
The COVID-19 Pandemic is Severely Impacting Vulnerable Small-Scale Fisheries and Their Communities
Fishing Technology and Ocean Temperature Used to Track Historical Spread of Global Fish Catches
Larry Crowder Receives the International Sea Turtle Society Lifetime Achievement Award
Researchers Investigate if Oxygen Depletion Can Be Detected Prior to Warming Ocean Waters
Equity is Critical for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
Research Team Uses Raw Documentary Footage to Learn More About Rangitāhua Reef Biodiversity
Guillermo Ortuño Crespo Wins Runner-up ISSF Seafood Sustainability Award
Now Hiring! ASU-CI Nexus Post-Doctoral Fellow in Sustainable Oceans
Guillermo Ortuño Crespo Successfully Defends His Ph.D. Dissertation
Science Director William Cheung is Awarded 2019 UBC Killam Research Fellowship
Nereus Research Team Projects How Climate Change Will Affect Global Mariculture Diversity
Becca Selden Discusses Ocean Warming on Your Call’s 'One Planet Series' Radio Program
For Marine Fish Ranges, Cold Edges are Better at Tracking Climate Change Than Warm Edges
Blue Acceleration: Our Dash for Ocean Resources Mirrors What We’ve Already Done to the Land
New Nature Paper Shows Vulnerability of Marine Mammals to Global Warming
Nereus Researchers Appear in New York Times Article Concerning Iceland's Shifting Fisheries
Thomas Froelicher Wins Award For Best Junior Faculty Researcher at University of Bern
Malin Pinsky is the Focus of a Recent Article in ScienceNews
Five Pervasive Myths About Fisheries Capacity-Enhancing Subsidies Get Dispelled
UNEP-WCMC Seeks Applicants for New Senior Post-Doctoral Fellow Position
Researchers Look to the Past to Deduce Global Tuna Fisheries Expansion
Climate Change and Overfishing are Boosting Toxic Mercury Levels in Fish
Blue Economy Must Include Social Benefits and Equity to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
An Investigation Into the Global Networks of Donor Funding for Fisheries
Research Fellow Muhammed Oyinlola Successfully Defends His Ph.D. Dissertation on Mariculture
New Paper Identifies Priority Areas to Ensure a Sustainable and Equitable Blue Economy
Major Countries Continue to Pour in Funds for Global Fisheries Subsidies
Nippon Foundation Nereus Ocean Science Conference 2019 - Reflecting Back and Moving Forward
Improving Transparency and Coherence in the Realm of Ocean Financial Resources
New Paper Shows How Bottom-up Drivers Can Shape Commercial Fish Global Distribution Patterns
Eight Urgent Measures Proposed to Ensure Future Ocean Health
Mercury Levels in Fish Are on the Rise
Ten Proposals for an Ambitious Treaty to Strengthen Global High Seas Governance Framework
New Report From Collaborative Scenario and Model-Based Workshop on Nature Futures
Climate Change May Shift Pacific Sardine Distribution in Northwest Mexico
New United Nations Treaty Must Not Allow Fish Species to Slip Through Governance Cracks
Tyler Eddy Gets Position at Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada
IMBeR Open Science Conference - A Reflection
Jack Kittinger Interviewed in Human Nature Blog by Conservation International
In New Study, Global Ocean Biomass Projected to Decline 5% For Every One Degree of Warming
Jessica Spijkers Appears in Hakai Magazine for Her Recent Publication on Fisheries Conflicts
New Paper Shines Spotlight on Social Justice Concerns Associated With Sustainability Transformations
Kisei Tanaka Gets New Position at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Publication on the Role of Non-governmental Actors in Fisheries Governance
How is the North Atlantic Oscillation Influencing Fish Migration Patterns?
Is Focusing on Marine Plastic Pollution a Misguided Attempt to Save the Ocean?
Nereus in the News: Palau's President Signs Presidential Directive Protecting Reef Fish
How Transnational Partnerships Are Shaping the Governance of Global Fisheries
Sustainable Development Goals Becoming Ever-Harder to Reach Due to Climate Impacts
How Metadata Can Be Used to Address Knowledge Gaps and Improve Ocean Sustainability Policies
Equity and Interdisciplinarity in International Ocean Governance
Paying Attention to the Participation of Non-state Actors in Global Fisheries Governance
New Nereus Program Fellow: Zoë Kitchel
Guillermo Ortuño Crespo Receives Honors for Outstanding Paper
New Nereus Program Fellow: Frédérique Fardin
Vatosoa Rakotondrazafy Receives Prestigious 2019 Whitley Award
Transparency in Fisheries Governance Workshop
International Fisheries Conflicts - On the Rise?
Publication on the European Union’s Regulation on External Fishing Authorisations
New Publication Focuses on the Influence Non-State Actors Have in Global Fisheries Governance
Moving Toward Fundamental Habitat Suitability Index Models
The Paris Agreement Could Provide Far-Reaching Benefits to the Global Marine Fisheries Sector
How Ocean Acidification is Impacting Shallow Coral Reefs in Asia and the Indian Ocean
Scientists Should Disclose Origin in Marine Gene Patents
The Sargassum Mass-Bloom of 2018
Scenarios Forum 2019 Meeting, Denver, Colorado March 11-13, 2019
New Publication - The Role of Human Rights in Implementing Socially Responsible Seafood
New Female Voices in Legal Academia
Community-level Effects of Spatial Management in the California Drift Gillnet Fishery
Press Release: Achieving Paris Climate Target Could Net Additional Billions in Fisheries Revenue
Nereus Fellow Becca Selden Gets Faculty Appointment at Wellesley College
Quentin Hanich Named Editor-in-Chief of the Journal 'Marine Policy'
Providing Leadership for Young Researchers and Professionals on the Blue Economy in Central America
What is the Future of Funding for Sustainable Fisheries and Oceans?
Publication at the Intersection Between the Climate Change and Fisheries Regimes
Who Knows and Who Decides? Incorporating Diverse Perspectives in Fisheries Management - An Abstract
Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Conservation and Management
Nereus Fellow Presents at the Climate Impacts on Oceanic Top Predators (CLIOTOP) symposium in Taiwan
Building Confidence in Projections of Climate Change Impacts on Land and Sea
Are Non-Governmental Actors the New Police of the Sea? A Look at Their Role in Enforcing Compliance
Workshop: Fishery Resources and Conflict
Global Fishing Watch Research Workshop Re-cap
Global Goals, MPAs, and OECMs - Oh My!
Healthy Eating - For Those Who are Disadvantaged, How Much of it is Really a Choice?
Nereus Colleague Jack Kittinger featured in Science
Understanding How Marine Ecosystems Change in Time as a Way to Improve Fisheries Management
Effective Fisheries Management Can Reduce Extinction Risk of Marine Fish Stocks From Climate Change
The Right Story at the Right Time: Marine Genetic Resources in the News
Two Nereus Fellows Appear in The New York Times Article on Marine Genetic Resources
Climate Change Fuels Accumulation of Pollutants in Chinook Salmon, Killer Whales
The ‘Blue Economy’ Could Be the Key to Saving the Ocean…or its Death Knell
Nereus Director of Policy Gives Keynote Lecture at Symposium for Japanese Coastal Restoration
Marine Heat Waves Are Becoming More Frequent, Longer Lasting and More Intense
Understanding Climate Migration
Fleet Movement Models May Help Reduce Bycatch from Longline Fishing
The Importance of Small-Scale Fisheries: Reflections from COFI
Policy Implications of Climate-Driven Species Distribution Shifts
Invisible Frontiers: Defining Ecological Units in a Shifting Sea
Flatfish Catches to Decline 20% by 2100 Due to Climate Change
A Strategy for Making "No-Mining" Zones in the Deep Sea
Climate Change May Undo Conservation Efforts for Endangered Reef Fish
Emerging Tech & New Alliances in the Fight Against Illicit Fishing
New Paper Defines How SDG14 Interacts with Other Goals: Benefits and Trade-Offs
Avoiding the Combustion Engine of Ocean Resource Management: Reflections on ECCWO
Nereus Annual Meeting a Success
The Deep Sea: Modeling to Protect the Last Frontier
One Company Owns Half of Marine Genetic Patents
Conflict on the Horizon: Climate Change Will Drive Fish Across Borders
Small-Scale Fisheries: Measuring Contributions to Catch and Culture
Sustainable Development Goals: Can we get everything we want?
What happens to big prey when you fish out all of their big predators?
Fighting for Fishers and Communities: Working Towards Socially Responsible Seafood Together
Nereus Program co-organizes a workshop to discuss fisheries resources of coastal Indigenous Peoples
No news in this section.
Throwing back the big ones saves a fishery from hot water
Global Fishing Watch Published in Science Magazine
Nereus Program announces new collaboration ‘Ocean Link Northwest’
Aligning fisheries aid with international development targets and goals
How blockchain is strengthening tuna traceability to combat illegal fishing
No news in this section.
Nereus in the News — Friday, November 24
Migratory species connectivity across the oceans: COP12 Convention on Migratory Species
Now open for research: The East Carolina University (ECU) Fisheries Oceanography Lab / The Asch Lab
International Wildlife Law: Understanding and Enhancing Its Role in Conservation
Meeting of Nippon Foundation Fellows from the Black and Caspian Seas Region
Radical ocean futures: Scenario development using science fiction prototyping
Vaquita captured! What are their chances for survival?
The modern (fisher)woman: Considering gender in fisheries
Impacts World 2017: Counting the true costs of climate change
Rocket debris is a risk to Inuit food security
Overfishing & overpopulation: Too many fishers chasing too few fish?
Promoting diversity and inclusiveness in seafood certification and ecolabelling: Prospects for Asia
Going diving in the tropics? Don’t eat the reef fish!
Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Meeting — Managing tropical tunas
Director of Science William Cheung wins ICES Prix d’Excellence Award
Tales from the Sea: Building relationships between scientists and fishers
CreativeMornings, Seattle, with Principal Investigator Hanson Hosein
Adaptation strategies to climate change in marine systems
Who is eating who? How climate change is modifying predator prey interactions
Researching mangroves and fishing livelihoods in Cambodia
Marine Species on the Move: American Fisheries Society Symposium
Global change in the trophic functioning of marine food webs
Warming waters will leave fish gasping for air and shrinking in size
A global biogeographic classification of the mesopelagic zone
Changes in jellyfish population sizes – Natasha Henschke finishes fellowship
Step forward in protecting the high seas, despite competing interests
Measuring mercury levels in the ocean: A scientist at sea on the Research Vessel Endeavor
Oceans, climate change, and social equity: Association of Pacific Rim Universities Keystone Speech
A rapid assessment of co-benefits and trade-offs among Sustainable Development Goals
Adaptive capacity: from assessment to action in coastal social-ecological systems
Workshop: Natural Marine Resource Management in a Changing Climate
Side event at the UN Ocean Conference
Climate change and marine fisheries: Least developed countries top global index of vulnerability
A review of the impacts of fisheries on open-ocean ecosystems
No news in this section.
1.5°C Paris Agreement target could net six million tonnes of fish annually
Nereus in the News - Friday, December 9
Indigenous seafood consumption 15 times higher per capita than national averages
In response to: A Global Estimate of Seafood Consumption by Coastal Indigenous Peoples
Green College seminar: Impacts of climate change on contaminants in fisheries
Colleen Petrik wins PICES 2016 Science Board Best Presentation Award
The Madingley model and questions of abstraction and scale
25 Years of PICES: Celebrating the Past, Imaging the Future annual meeting
INFORMATION SHEET: Slavery fisheries and Japanese seafood consumption
Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries
Spatial differentiation of marine eutrophication damage indicators based on species density
A case study for conservation: Wilderness protection in Estonia
Seventh Annual Oslo-Southampton-Tulane Colloquium
Big data and fisheries management: Using satellites to track fishing activity
Sustainable Oceans Initiative Dialogue on Aichi Biodiversity Targets
North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment: Socio-economic impacts – fisheries
Innovating for Change in Global Fisheries Governance workshop
Heatwaves in the ocean - ETH Zurich blogpost
Science fiction prototyping to imagine radical future ocean scenarios
Shifting seasonal cycles: Rebecca Asch completes fellowship
Nereus in the News - Friday, September 23
Seminar on Fishing in the Polar Regions
Journée du millième halieute (Day of the Thousandth Fisheries Scientist) conference
UBC Green College seminar series: "Adapting to Global Changes in Oceans and Fisheries"
IUCN World Conservation Congress
Ocean Ventilation and Deoxygenation in a Warming World Meeting
New Nereus Program fellow: Gerald Singh, UBC
Nereus in the News - Friday, September 9
Climate change could cause $10 billion in annual revenue loss to fisheries by 2050
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Scoping Meeting
New Nereus Program fellow: Jessica Spijkers, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Sustainable management of the high seas could recoup fish stock losses due to climate change
Nereus Scientific & Technical Briefs on ABNJ series
FishAdapt: A global conference on climate change adaptation for fisheries and aquaculture
POLICY BRIEF: A review of the impacts of fisheries on open-ocean ecosystems
POLICY BRIEF: Climate Change in Oceans Beyond National Jurisdictions
POLICY BRIEF: Technology Transfer
Biomass modeling and transfer efficiency: Mathieu Colléter completes fellowship
Illustrating the ocean: The process of depicting the complexity of marine ecosystems
Sources of uncertainties in 21st century projections of potential ocean ecosystem stressors
International Symposium on Capacity Building for Sustainable Oceans
CINVESTAV Lecture in Merida, Mexico
Dispute Resolution and Scientific Whaling in the Antarctic
Rethinking the Role of Salps in the Ocean
ISC Plenary Meeting for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean, Sapporo Japan
International Seabed Authority Workshop
Instability in the South China Sea: Ecosystem challenges and political complexities
The role of transnational corporations in global fishery reform
COMPASS Capitol Hill briefing on ocean change implications for fishing communities
The Future of Marine Fisheries under Climate Change: Nereus at the 7th World Fisheries Congress
Nereus workshop: Adaptation strategies for Pacific Island nation fisheries, Monterey
Improving Species Distribution Models: Laurens Geffert completes PhD
5th International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium
Importance of Ocean Heat and Carbon Uptake for Transient Climate Change Seminar
New Uses and Abuses of the Seabed Workshop
Nereus in the News - Friday, June 17
Interdisciplinary solutions for ocean issues: The Nereus Program Annual General Meeting 2016
Fish catch declines may cause micronutrient deficiencies in developing nations
Global Fishing Watch Research Workshop with Google Earth Outreach
Uncharted Waters: Strategic Environmental Assessment in the UK Offshore Area
4th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World
Friends of Madingley Symposium
A Conservation Agenda for Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction
An ocean of diplomacy – negotiating for the health of our common ocean at the United Nations
The future of global ocean governance: Andrew Merrie completes fellowship
Fish of the day: Why does seafood seasonality matter?
Interactions between global biodiversity conservation treaties
Temperature-based targeting in a multispecies fishery under climate change
Atlantic tuna and Highly Migratory Species meetings
Nereus in the News - Friday, March 25
Ask an Expert: Why is the global fishing industry given $35 billion in subsidies each year?
Where do we go from here? Building confidence in climate change impact projection models
Hack-a-thon meets design to tackle ocean climate change communication strategies
Process versus products: The role of creativity in the working lives of scientists
Climate change effects on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
Investigating ideal fishing conditions for tuna and swordfish in the U.S. northwest Atlantic ocean
Jellyfish for dinner: Is fishing a viable solution to the increase in jellyfish blooms?
Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) workshop
The status and future of bluefin tunas in our global ocean: The Bluefin Futures Symposium
Dynamic ocean management can reduce fisheries bycatch
Sea Around Us study finds 30 per cent of global fish catch is unreported
Nereus in the News - Friday, January 15
Climate change could cut First Nations fisheries’ catch in half
COP21: Nereus in the News - Friday, December 11
COP21: Policy strategies beyond CO2 emission targets
COP21: Where have all the fish gone? How climate change is displacing marine species.
Rebecca Asch gives lecture on climate change and seasonality in the oceans
Ask an Expert: Will oceans be adequately discussed at COP21?
Collaboration with Stockholm Resilience Centre on global fish biomass distribution model
Gabriel Reygondeau published on spatial and temporal patterns of C. finmarchicus plankton
Nereus at IMBER IMBIZO IV in Trieste, Italy
Fish alter migration patterns as global waters warm
Nereus in the News - Friday, November 13
Warming Oceans and Rising Tides: Coastal Adaptation in Northwest BC, Canada
William Cheung published on the future of fish in the South China Sea
Lisa Dellmuth published on NGO influence in international organizations