
Tyler Eddy

Ph.D., Marine Biology
2016-2019 (University of British Columbia)
Associate Research Professor, Fisheries and Marine Institute (Memorial University)

I am interested in the impacts of coastal resource use on marine ecosystems in the past, present, and future. I have participated in field expeditions to the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile, the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand, the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, and throughout Atlantic Canada observing subtidal communities. I employ a range of ecological and statistical modelling techniques to understand relationships between fishing, climate change, and marine ecosystems. My work contributes to the fields of marine ecology, fisheries science and management, marine conservation, historical ecology, and climate change. I am a visiting scientist at Dalhousie University, Canada, the Charles Darwin Foundation, Galápagos, Ecuador, and the Changing Ocean Research Unit at the University of British Columbia, Canada and the regional coordinator for FISH-MIP, based at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany.


Tittensor, D.P., Eddy, T.D., Lotze, H.K., Galbraith, E.D., Cheung, W.W.L., Barange, M., Blanchard, J., Bopp, L., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Büchner, M., Bulman, C., Carozza, D.A., Christensen, V., Coll, M., Dunne, J.P, Fernandes, J.A., Fulton, E.A., Hobday, A., Huber, V., Jennings, S., Jones, M., Lehodey, P., Link, J.S., Mackinson, S., Maury, O., Niiranen, S., Oliveros-Ramos, R., Roy, T., Schewe, J., Shin, Y.J., Silva, T., Stock, C.A., Steenbeek, J., Underwood, P.J., Volkholz, J., Watson, J., Walker, N.  2018. A protocol for the intercomparison of marine fishery and ecosystem models: Fish-MIP v1.0. Geoscientific Model Development 11: 1421-1442  link

Bugles, S., Reyes, H., Ramirez-González, J., Eddy, T.D., Salinas de León, P., Marrin, J.M. 2018. Evaluating the effectiveness of coastal no-take zones of the Galapagos Marine Reserve for the red spiny lobster, Panulirus penicillatus. Marine Policy 88: 204-212. link

Eddy TD, Cheung WWL, Bruno JF. 2018. Historical baselines of coral cover on tropical reefs as estimated by expert opinion. PeerJ. 6:e4308; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4308 link

Eddy TD.  (2019). Plan S: Motivations of for-profit publishers. Science 363: 462 link

Schewe J, Gosling SN, Reyer C, Zhao F, Ciais P, Elliott J, Francois L, Huber V, Lotze HK, Seneviratne SI, van Vliet MTH, Vautard R, Wada Y, Breuer L,Büchner M, Carozza DA, Chang J, Coll M, Deryng D, de Wit A, Eddy TD, Folberth C, Frieler K, Friend AD, Gerten D, GudmundssonL, Hanasaki N, Ito A, Khabarov N, Kim H, Lawrence P, Morfopoulos C, Müller C, Schmied HM, Orth R, Ostberg S, Pokhrel Y, Pugh TAM, Sakurai G, Satoh Y, Schmid E, Stacke T, Steenbeek J, Steinkamp J, Tang Q, Tian H, Tittensor D, Volkholz J, Wang X, Warszawski L. (2019). State-of-the-art global models underestimate impact from climate extremes. Nature Communications 10: 1005. link

Blanchard, J., Watson, R. A., Fulton, E. A., Cottrell, R. S., Nash, K. L., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Büchner, M., Carozza, D. A., Cheung, W. W. L., Elliott, J., Davidson, L. N. K., Dulvy, N. K., Dunne, J. P., Eddy, T. D., Galbraith, E., Lotze, H. K., Maury, O., Müller, C., Tittensor, D. P., Jennings, S., 2017, Linked sustainability challenges and trade-offs among fisheries, aquaculture and agriculture, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1, 1240-1249, link

Payne M., Barange M., Cheung W., MacKenzie B., Batchelder H., Cormon X., Eddy T., Fernandes J., Hollowed A., Jones M., Link J., Neubauer P., Ortiz I., Queirós A., Paula J., 2015, Uncertainties in projecting climate-change impacts in marine ecosystems, Marine Ecosystem, Climate Change, ICES Journal of Marine Sciencelink

Eddy TD. (2019). Climate change drowned out by plastic. Aquatic Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Research. DOI:10.1002/aqc.3084 link

Eddy TD, Friedlander AM, Salinas de León P. (2019). Ecosystem effects of fishing and El Niño at the Galápagos Marine Reserve. PeerJ. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6878 link

Rojas-Nazar UA, Eddy TD, Bell JJ, Gardner JPA. (2019). Lobster fishery and marine reserve interactions in New Zealand. Marine Policy 105: 67-79. link

Lotze, H., Tittensor, D., Bryndum-Buchholz, A., Eddy, T., Cheung, W., Galbraith, E., Barange, M., Barrier, N., Bianchi, D., Blanchard, J.L., Bopp, L., Büchner, M., Bulman, C.M., Carozza, D.A., Christensen, V., Coll, M., Dunne, J.P., Fulton, E.A., Jennings, S., Jones, M.C., Mackinson, S., Maury, O., Niiranen, S., Oliveros-Ramos, R., Roy, T., Fernandez, J.A., Schewe, J., Shin, Y., Silva, T.A.M., Steenbeek, J., Stock, C.A., Verley, P., Volkholz, J., Walker, N.D. and Worm, B. (2019). Global ensemble projections reveal trophic amplification of ocean biomass declines with climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(26), 12907-12912. DOI: /10.1073/pnas.1900194116 link

Liggins, L., Sweatman, J.A., Trnski, T., Duffy, C.A., Eddy, T.D., & Aguirre, J.D. (2020). Natural history footage provides new reef fish biodiversity information for a pristine but rarely visited archipelago. Nature Scientific Reports, 10:3159 link.

Nereus Fellow Tyler Eddy (University of South Carolina) writes about his recent trips to attend climate change impacts workshops at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Potsdam, Germany and Institute for Marine Science in Barcelona, Spain. While there he worked with other climate change impacts modellers on ways to get different models to interact with each other.

“The intersectoral and interdisciplinary nature of the ISIMIP approach meant that topics were very broad and spanned both land and sea, natural science, social science, economics, human health, and policy,” said Tyler Eddy. “This perspective was very interesting to consider big ideas and issues at broad scales, however as a result of this broad approach, detailed ocean processes weren’t covered as much.”

October 19, 2017

Nereus Fellow Tyler Eddy (University of South Carolina) is a co-author on a recently published article in the journal Nature Communications, entitled ‘State-of-the-art global models underestimate impact from climate extremes’. He writes about the importance of modelling for projecting future extreme events related to climate change, and how modellers from different research communities are addressing the impacts of climate change on things such as agriculture, human health, coastal infrastructure, marine ecology, fisheries, and more.

Nereus Fellow Tyler Eddy (University of South Carolina) recently published an article in Science, entitled ‘Plan S: Motivations of for-profit publishers’. In it, he discusses how the academic community should consider if a journal is open access, as well as the publisher’s profit motivations, when deciding which venue to publish their research.

March 31, 2019 | Social Responsibility

Nereus Research Associate Colette Wabnitz (UBC) and Fellow Tyler Eddy (University of South Carolina) attended the ‘Scenarios Forum 2019’ in Denver, CO on March 11-13, 2019. The forum hosted researchers from 41 countries across diverse disciplines who use climate change and sustainability scenarios and policy analysis to address current knowledge gaps.

Past Event

2 October 2017 - 5 October 2017

Nereus Program Research Associate Tyler Eddy will be participating in the fifth IMBeR (Integrated Marine Biosphere Research Project) IMBIZO, which will be hosted by the Ocean, Carbon & Biogeochemistry Group at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts between October 2nd and 5th.
Past Event

11 March 2019 - 13 March 2019

Nereus Fellow Tyler Eddy (University of South Carolina), along with Director (Science) William Cheung (University of British Columbia - UBC) and Research Associate Colette Wabnitz (UBC), will be attending the Scenarios Forum 2019 from March 11-13th in Denver, Colorado.

Nereus research fellow Tyler Eddy (University of South Carolina) recently published a short article in the journal Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, entitled ‘Climate change drowned out by plastic’.

Nereus Fellow Tyler Eddy will be starting a position in November 2019 as an Associate Research Professor at the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research, Marine Institute, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.

Nereus’s Tyler Eddy, William Cheung, Miranda Jones, Derek Tittensor, and Charles Stock are co-authors on a recent article that projects a 5% decline, on average, in global marine biomass for every 1 degree (C) of warming. They did this by combining several different types of models, rather than using a single-model approach.

Tyler Eddy is a co-author on a new study in Nature’s Scientific Reports that uses raw video footage of Rangitāhua (Kermadec Islands) filmed for the documentary “Our Big Blue Backyard” to learn more about the remote area’s rich shallow reef biodiversity.

January 25, 2019 | EcologyBiodiversityCoral

Seeking a highly motivated postdoc at Memorial University to join a team investigating ecosystem dynamics in Newfoundland, Labrador, and the Arctic. Details and contact information within.